
And we'll have a helluva time

About June 23, 2011

Who am I? Good question. Let’s start with the basics, my name is Lina Tovbis, I am a fourth year student at the University of Ottawa as of September 2011, and my favourite colour is green. I play tennis and volleyball, I love to paint, and I want to travel to every continent at least once before I die. Even the really cold one. Naturally, I like long walks on the beach and chocolate cupcakes, but then again, who doesn’t? Now, for the serious part. I have possibly the longest program name I have ever seen in my life and it goes a little something like this: Bachelor of Science: Specialization in Biochemistry with an option in Microbiology and Immunology. Phew, now that that’s out of the way, you may ask, what in the world am I doing in a Communications class? Well, the obvious answer would be that I need an elective credit to graduate. But, I have always appreciated good advertising and decided that maybe I could learn something about the theory behind it. It’s nice to finally be taking a class where it’s not all about numbers and results you got from your electrophoresis gels. After three years of writing technical lab reports, this is a nice change of pace. So, let me entertain you, and I hope you enjoy the ride 🙂


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